Friday, November 11, 2011


This is Zed.  She was once the leader of a strong race of warriors when she was injured in battle and barely survived.  Nearly dead and forgetting who she was, pity was taken and a medicine woman was able to save her using hybrid techniques of ancient practices and electronic devices.  She now lives a mundane day to day life, the people around her always fearful that she will get her memories back.

I like this sketch, when I first started my drawing session nothing was coming out, just multitudes of garbage, it was terrible.  I'm glad this progressed organically turning into a lot of fun.

I am probably going to be making a turnaround and character page for her to do some more exploration, I really like the direction this is going.

Also, yesterday I decided to just my website, I like the look of it a lot more... decided to make the header out of a soon to be released coloured pic of Herbie. Lol, don't know why I named him that.

Peanut out.

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