Thursday, June 17, 2010

Something to smile about

Well, I haven't been updating recently, and not even for lack of drawing or doing stuff, I'm just doing poorly at the upkeep seeing as how I am always running around! @.@ Once the project I'm working on through my summer internship is done, I'll post some of the pre-prod work I've done for it. Sooo many cute little drawings that I can't post yet! @.@

I have several larger more serious projects that are in the works but here is a little something something done for my friend Jessica. She is going to be printing her first draft of her novella Dead Men and needed something to go on the cover. This is the character, Mr.Grinner, a stuffed grim reaper (:

These are just different colours that I liked and couldn't decide between. Obvs went with the one above (:

Alright, Peanut out!

Need to get back to doing something P:

1 comment:

Unknown said...

wow that looks really good, i love the colouring and creepy smile.

do we get a synopsis?