Sunday, April 19, 2009


I'm not ashamed to say I rather enjoy this series. It's such a simple premise but it's handled so smoothly I forget I'm watching a kids show and can still have fun with it. There are some really fine bits of animation too... anyways...

I sketched this last semester and only just started colouring it...

There are clearly an abundance of mistakes in it that I will be starting to fix in the next step... I'm going to attempt a lineless colour, which I'm not very good at. I find I never have enough contrast in my digital pieces, nor can I use colour as well compared to when I'm painting on canvas.


In a moment of pure awesome Millie made us into Avatar characters.

In a moment of pure strangeness I threw some colours at it. Fear my backgrounds people. Fear them real good.

Also, I love flipping on and off my clipping masks.


1 comment:

Mildred L. said...